New Medical Education Programs in Canada

New programs seeking CACMS accreditation must notify the Secretariat ( of plans to create a new medical education program. The Secretariat will provide advice and consultation to facilitate orderly development of the program and full understanding of the accreditation process and standards.

Term of Accreditation

New medical education programs seeking CACMS accreditation undergo a stepwise review process until full accreditation is awarded. When a new medical education program receives full accreditation, that status will be reviewed by means of a full accreditation visit five years after the initial award of full accreditation.

Entitities Eligible for CACMS Accreditation

The CACMS accredits only complete and independent medical education programs geographically located in Canada that lead to the M.D. degree in Canada.

Fees for Accreditation Reviews

New programs seeking preliminary accreditation, and unaccredited programs seeking full accreditation, must pay an application fee (contact CACMS Secretariat for details).

If programs granted applicant status do not submit a completed Data Collection Instrument (DCI) and Medical School Self-Study (MSS) for preliminary accreditation (PA) within 18 months of the initial grant of applicant status, that status will lapse and the program must resubmit an application fee if it wishes to be granted applicant status again.

A developing medical education program granted applicant status may have a total of three reviews for candidate status. If candidate status is not granted after the third review, the applicant status will lapse and the program must re-apply for applicant status and submit a reapplication fee. Developing programs that are denied preliminary accreditation following an accreditation visit and action by the CACMS may reapply for applicant status after one year and must pay a reapplication fee.

All expenses related to CACMS Secretariat consultations and on-site visits, until full accreditation is awarded, will be charged to the program.

Reference Documents

The process for the accreditation of new medical education programs is described in the attachment below.

More information on the process and procedures can be found in CACMS Rules of Procedure (under accreditation documents).